Stanislav Hanzík
a contemporary Czech sculptor

Public works
In our contemporary sculpture, Hanzik represents aesthetic activity which "summons" the power and strength of a man living, even now, in anxiety evoked by his wartime experiences, an anxiety which has become as "universal as the events which evoke it" (Garaudy). A learned misconception might prompt Hanzik's torsos to be seen as allegories inspired by classical mythology. Modern sculptors turn to mythology to define the magic in relationships between man, life, and nature which they capture as an enduring, aesthetic virtue and lasting application, and not for the sake of archaic symbolism. Hanzik develops the contemporary emotional intensity of life and its dominant features in these three motifs.
Dr. Josef Cisarovsky, from the Exhibition Catalogue St. Hanzik, Gallery New Hall, Prague 1967, see the entire text here >>

limestone, 225 cm Public Garden, Ústí nad Labem, CZ

Granite-diorite, 160 cm, work in progress from the artist's studio yeard

Limestone, 130x200 cm Castel Roudnice, CZ

1999, limestone, 130x200 cm Castel Roudnice, CZ

Granit, 200 cm Fountain on the Square Lidice

Limestone, 250x200 cm, Winning sculpture for National Theater, Prague, Ursulas Gardens

sandstone, 460 cm , Most, CZ Mining town Most, a birthplace of the artist

limestone, 220 cm Historical Town Square, Roudnice nad Labem

limestone, 200 cm

limestone , 175 cm The National Monument romanesque Rotunda of St. Georg on the Hill Říp close to Prague, CZ According to legend, the primal father Čech (Czech) brought his folk – shepferds - to Říp and settled here thanks to the fertile land.

granite-diorite, 175 cm The square in the historical down town Příbram, CZ

granite-diorite, 175 cm The square in the historical down town Příbram, CZ

1997, bronze/granite, 50/300 cm, Kralupy nad Vltavou A Nobel Prize–winning Czech writer, poet and journalist. (1901-1986)
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wood, 200 cm Presbitery of Romanesque Rotunda of St. Georg, the Hill Říp, CZ

wood, 200 cm Presbitery of Romanesque Rotunda of St. Georg, the Hill Říp, CZ